Friday, April 1, 2011

Ice Cream Beads Inebrya Hair

Jesteśmy! Prace Patryka Antoniaka , Magdaleny Szych oraz Katarzyny Przybylskiej już wiszą w naszej miejskiej galerii. Dziś odsłaniamy przed wami kulisy powstawania projektu...
W listopadzie last year they met Magda Nowicka Chomsk and Magda Horanin group & Mad Mad and Michael Straw and Anne Suska of Transit Foundation. While a nice chat about the numerous events organized by the Foundation, an idea the exit of art to the streets and adapt for this purpose outside the abandoned showcases information. Everyone liked the idea and Magda, with support from Anna and Michael, decided to take matters connected with the organization planned the event. In mid December, submitted a proposal for funding under the City of Poznan , whose mission is: " support projects in the field of cultural education, with particular emphasis on programs targeting children and adolescents "

The city liked the idea and received funding for its implementation. Preparations in full swing started in February.

The location of the chosen gallery Transit street St. Martin and Ratajczak street. Were once the main the streets of Poznan, where the concentrated commercial and social life of the city. Today, the streets they die, and the only attractions are numerous banks, credit, and several fast food places to rent. We do not deny that made us great pleasure to walk on, "Martin" in search of the cabinets. We had the opportunity to meet many interesting people who willingly talked about the former Poznan, often drawing on their memories of wartime and postwar years. With barely concealed nostalgia for the glory times St. Martin ...

Ultimately we chose three external ogłoszeniowo showcases and information on the street St. Marcin 25, St. Martin Ratajczak, 35 and 31 street. With the advent of warmer days we started to renovate, but trying to keep their city, a bit mucky, character. We would not cope without help Honorata Ubowskiej and Zbigniew Nowicki .

In February, they reported to us students Technical No. 19 in Poznan who have expressed their willingness to participate in our action. We do not deny that their work has aroused our interest and joy welcomed them among the first participants Transit Gallery. At this point we would like to thank their teachers Charles Obroślakowi for the support they gave both his students and the organizers of the action.

In late February, our group joined Joanna Wojcik, who now served as curator of exhibitions .
March 5, 2011 at the headquarters of the Foundation first meeting with participants of exhibitions in nature art workshops. Lead them Joanna Wojcik, Horanin and Magda Magda Nowicka Chomsk . We spent time talking about how our perception of the city, the issue of public space and transport phenomena in contemporary art. Died was also the first ideas for the work that within the next month were to be carried out by participants of the exhibition. At the end, everyone was tasked with creating a log, in which he had wyrysowywać, print out or tearing both observations on the surrounding world, as well as the process of creating your own art projects. The workshop participants were: Borowczak Martin, Patrick Antoniak , Magdalena Szych, Claudia Stajkowska and Katarzyna Przybylska.

In this composition, we met every weekend throughout March . Always on the premises of the Foundation, always on the 13th hour Our ideas for the work gradually ripened, over time created the beginnings of projects to eventually turn into works of art from the real event. Instead of watching the first movements of spring, we spent long hours in the attic of house painting, drawing, cutting, gluing, and doing projects Graphics on our computers.

last dab of paint took place on 27 March 2011 at 21.20 . Thus, all the work was already done. They were packed by us and ready for exposure.

suspended work on our cabinets March 31 . Of course, not without technical problems, but more on that in a minute. Generally, good use of our innate technical skills and flair, as well as glue (lots of glue) and professional industrial stapler (by some called the "taczerem"). Two works have hung on Thursday afternoon, with the third citation had to wait until Friday morning, when it with drill / driver appeared Tomasz Kowalczyk, who eventually helped us to resolve any technical problems.

reminder that the campaign will run until 30 September 2011. Each month, three young artists will present their work in three exterior showcases information about głoszeniowych (Street St. Martin, ul. Ratajczak), which eventually were transformed into art galleries .
invite young people to submit their work, and senior colleagues to visit the Transit Gallery.

Transit Gallery, ul. Ratajczak 1931
Magdalena Szych Jungle

Transit Gallery, ul. St. Marcin 35
Patricia Antoniak window overlooking the ...

Transit Gallery, ul. St. Marcin 25
collective work based on the drawings Catherine Przybylska Prohibition notices sticking


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