Saturday, April 30, 2011

Where To Buy Game Wizard

quote: wonderfully.

Quote from the boss, who apparently (which is what has come after a certain period of time) uses the word "wonderfully," whether it wishes to express his admiration and szpetnie swear, I always hear only the "wonderfully."
And there are days like today, when the fear of being afraid, and clenched teeth extracted just this wonderfully ... Today

egg smashed on the head of a cat (not really obvious), both got the heart attack, a little bit smaller.
flooded half Gripex the kitchen, trying to stir the liquid in the cup so that the powder from the bottom to better dissolve.
broke some pairs of tights and I put the eyelash curler, eyelash in my eye. It hurt.
almost kicked the whole laundry at a balcony, stumbling over the threshold.
shot himself toothpaste in my eye.
I put the bread in the fridge, and then looked for it everywhere else perseverance. I put out the cigarette
so cleverly that all the hot ash fell on my hand. I'm lost somewhere
three avocados.
no longer remember what she looked like an attempt to wypastowania shoes such a miracle, which just flies when you press harder.
Now I'm sitting and I'm scared to move, and I have to go to work. I wonder if the way I kill myself or anyone else.

But the weather is beautiful, on such days until sadly did not do something stupid (I now zaorałam a few months the weather), I regained my sense of humor in recent times, and soon the summer.

I love music from the movies Tarantino, perhaps much more than the same movies.

such posts as above, sponsored by wenę to babble, sorry Wenia that does not make it:)
But soon I will return with something more reasonable.


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