Sunday, April 10, 2011

Schematic Diagram Of Cancer

AXL Pendergast.

Lucas Corso of "Club Dumas", Bogun of "With Fire and Sword", with Pablo, "The best thing that can happen to rogalikowi" ... Don Pedro of the Land Deszczowców:) How is my feelings enough to the real men, since there are some great fictional? Facebookowe group blamed for the overgrowth of the Disney fairy tale expectations of the men, I do not blame anyone, and this hypertrophy rather not have, but did not alter the fact that in the movies he loves the players, and books each take his own infatuation with imagination. In my case, much stronger than any actor.

Special Agent Pendergast, have joined years ago to my collection ". And that is the hero of the occasion pretty good books, a few words of encouragement to do no harm.

duo Preston and Child has created a lot of books together - men write well in a solo version - of which I read only those of the Pendergast - you know, a woman in love will go for his love at the end of the world.
accidentally hitting the beginning of the series started, "relic" of New York's Museum of Natural History. Mutated killer in the basement of the museum, it sounds idiotic, but the book is most worthy of command, the better of the genre thriller about mutant in the basement will not find:) I read the roll of tape so the "Reliquary," inferior, but still as good continuation, "Relic", whose action moves from the museum in the tunnels of New York meter.

Even much later that I came to Kansas, stifling hole called Medicine Creek, in "Still Life with crows." And this is definitely the best part about Pendergaście, I suspect that this may be their best joint book at all.
Back to New York with "The Cabinet of Curiosities" was not painful, ustawiłabym him third in line quality, but still the "Relic" and "still life with crows' divides it up a little. In "The Cabinet of ..." you can see the beginnings of what later strongly weakened the level of the Pendergast series, or hypertrophy of the creative vision of the authors share the same design.
Written after "Still Life with crows' Pendergast trilogy about the struggles of the diabolical brother Diogenes (still quite bearable," Sulfur "and already heavy" Dance of Death "and" Book of the Dead ") strongly impaired my enthusiasm for reading formations tandem Preston-Child. In total, I'm in the back three of their books from Pendergast and I can not say whether the men are returning to the initial, nearly shearing the leg level.

However, the book good or bad, the agent Pendergast is a champion. Enigmatic, eccentric man with an impossible to notice the name, having extensive knowledge of the surprising themes, always in black culture has always, always annoyingly perky. Obviously, the most captivating of his by way of warning me polite repartee and invariably cut stone face. I quirk inherited, as has been summarized to me many times: "do you like these curves ...". Pendergast is on the one hand a great detective, a cool mind and fast hand on the flask gun. On the other is another type of man using the past, the lone rider with the charisma, the little puzzles. But it is far from heroic feats, but rather hard to bore me, more like standing at the side of an observer from his own case in mind, sometimes even inhumane in decisions.

so I will go back to the best, "still life with crows," you'd like to get started with Pendergast, if you wanted something to read, actually, if you wanted anything, and so could you indicate is "Still Life ..."

Hot town in Medicine Creek, whose life is dying, is blurred in the dust and heat of Kansas. The shocking murder in a cornfield (calm down, no aliens) puts public opinion on their feet the town (as one journalist on Sunday, a sheriff, and the crowd backstabber). Quite gruesome corpses posed poszukiwaczki treasure is one thing, but lying in the balance investment in genetic modification of corn, whose implementation started sneaking out to the Medicine Creek stifling competitive hole, is much more serious problem. Suspects in theory there is no (who could something so horrible to do?), in practice it is more than enough.

And yet this mysterious man in black who came seemingly out of nowhere, the main suspect and a bit of the original deliverer? FBI Agent Pendergast, whose request for steak tartare is the weirdest, which for years has happened to the local bar. Pendergast, who speaks little, and as I have, it remains very restrained and a bit przemądrzałym party. Together with a little dark and not particularly happy soul ", Corrie Swanson, a local outsider, which employs a chauffeur and guide, try to overturn lining up sleeping Medicine Creek. And with time, with successive equally bizarre crimes, it becomes clear that the psychopath really is among them.

like thrillers with tense atmosphere, and the stuffy, claustrophobic small town haunted by sandstorms, the scenery is perfect for a dark history. "Still life with crows" is a book you stay up through the night. I will not be an exaggeration to write that not only has a well-thought-out action, but is this really an exceptionally well-written and translated. And of course, has Pendergast ...


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