Friday, April 22, 2011

24' Pontoon Boat Trailer Blue Prints


"Nicotine is the greatest gift of modern life and the strongest blow: it invented the devil, and man can not do anything against it, as long as the land there is boredom. Nicotine is a strong poison, too muddles (...) balloon smoke envelops the world's merciful veil of mist; word bitter happiness and forgetfulness - is only temporary intoxication common , who is so strong to be abandoned or perhaps give a moment earlier, than it will be absolutely necessary? Because one day it will be necessary (...) Then reject this bitter cigarette, suddenly becomes a weight, we healthy tędzy and miserable.
But at this moment! As if every day of bitter breast sucked bad, but beatific pramatki! After all, some kind of game, and poison, it is essential to life, otherwise it would not be life but only health and routine. "

Sandor Marai," The Book of Herbs ", reader, Warsaw, 2006., str.89-90
Yesterday's discussion with a friend on cigarettes (as it usually happens in the topic of nicotine, Talk firmly sterile, just as what is there to talk?) reminded me of another of the pieces of the "Book of Herbs", which hit me harder.
I know it's poison, it's an addiction, "commonplace, momentary rapture," exactly.
But there is pleasure in cigarettes, is certain (wmówiona can) inspiration, smoky muted.
And the same goes Marai essence, no condemnation of those sentenced to itch we are healthy, tędzy and miserable.


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