Friday, April 8, 2011

Wording For Anniversary Of Death

Mad recommends: Jenny Holzer in Poznan. Transit Gallery Opening

This time it's not about a lecture on the works of Wislawa Szymborska, but rows of projections on the facades of the Nobel Prize winner and Hall of Poznan Old Brewery. This is a must see!

I know what to think yet.
War, war, war.
But even among them there are breaks.
Guard-men are angry.
ease-people are good.
attention on producing the wastes.
Here, Wislawa Szymborska

Jenny Holzer is one of those artists who loud and clear comment on the contemporary political reality. Born in 1950 in Gallipolis, a trained painter and graphic designer, originally an abstract artist, conceptual artist eventually. Holzer works in public spaces , and the most characteristic element of her work is word and text. Put it on posters, T-shirts, billboards, or stone benches ... but it large projections on the facades of buildings are its most famous realizations.

Paris, Rio de Janeiro, New York, London ... and Classifieds . This weekend, she will visit the capital of Wielkopolska and on the façade of the Old Brewery and City Hall will perform poems by Wislawa Szymborska projections.

poetry selection made jointly. Holzer no secret that he admires the work of Szymborska's poetry which moves close to her subjects. War, refugees, torture, and finally, the fate of the ordinary man in the face of the great movements of history. These motifs are mainly present in the recent work of an artist who is trying to deal with the policy pursued by the U.S. after September 11.

special event. It is rare that an artist of such a format would come to the Polish. Even more rarely it happens Szymborska's poems read straight from the facades of buildings. Recommended!

projections poems by Wislawa Szymborska:
08.04.2011, hours. 21:00-23:00 - elevation of the Old Brewery (facing Park JH Dąbrowski)
09.04.2011, hours. 21:00-23:00 - facade of City Hall, Old Market
opened the meeting with Jenny Holzer
09.04.201, hours. 17:00, Studio Słodownia +3
moderator: Magdalena Moskalewicz, red. nacz. magazynu o sztuce „Arteon”
8.04 – 31.08.2011 galeria Art Stations, Stary Browar, Poznań


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