Friday, April 22, 2011

Asking For Contribution To A Gift

Transit Gallery presents artists - Magdalena Szych

Viewing you figure artyski another baby, whose works were presented in Poznan Transit Gallery. Magdalena Szych tells of the urban jungle, playing with colors and favorite places in Poznan.
Magdalena Szych entertains the notion of the urban jungle in your drawing play one of the most emblematic buildings in Poznan - Zamek Culture Centre. Pulls it from its natural environment and urban jungle of strange plants a fee. Multicolor, enhanced by the use of different techniques, passes here with the fairy-tale vision of creating a landscape of charming and disturbing at the same time. Invites the recipient to a specific game and encouraged to explore the city again.

Magdalena Szych Jungle
Transit Gallery, ul. Ratajczak 1931

for you personally what is meant by "urban jungle"?

term "urban jungle" reminds me of the chaos, but rather in a positive sense. Combination of gray buildings crumbling, gloomy dark alleys, modern glass-fronted buildings, colorful billboards, commercials, and the confusion reigning in the streets among the cars and crowds of pedestrians, as well as the overall noise, which is formed by the sounds coming from everywhere. In my job (combining black and white photo of the Imperial Castle, with many colors which I used to paint plants), I wanted to show the contrast between the grays and the colors of the city, an explosive mixture - the "urban jungle"

Another grated saying it is "gray city", but you in your work focused on the colors of ...

I must admit that I just like to play with color. This was one of the factors for which we chose this technique instead of another job. On the other hand, I managed this, though I know that some people associate the city with zaśmieconymi, szarawymi streets, surrounded by old buildings ... Hence the black-and-white photography work in the background. Transforming the building in a dark tangle of plants, color of stain, wanted to symbolically show that the city has just two pages. Gray and the multi-colored. I think it was worth it would also focus on the latter. In short-notice the beauty of the city. ;)

piece of work Magdalene Szych Urban Jungle

Do you think the city is a friendly place man?

I think it depends on the city in which we find ourselves. In Poznan, each district has its good and bad, better and worse places. Besides, everyone draws attention to something else. Some were irritated by traversing trams, others do not pay any attention, but they interfere so cluttered sidewalks.
I think the city (I am thinking specifically Poznan), a good place to spend a pleasant time with friends. Countless restaurants, cafes-a perfect place to chat in a relaxed atmosphere, especially during wet weather;), malls (there's nothing like a trip with friends to buy), cinema, theater, opera, etc., providing entertainment.

What are your favorite places in Poznan?

Stary Browar, ul. Półwiejska or Old Market, are quite popular in places where often and willingly staying. But to be honest I like to just walk through the streets of Poznan in any part thereof. This is a good way to compare the different districts and their appreciation of their characteristics. And of course a good way to actively spend time with people. ;)

What inspires you?

inspiration for me virtually everything that catches my eye. If as I find it remarkable, if unusual, or simply I like, I use it in my work, usually by modifying their own way. ;)

prefer to spend leisure time in or in the countryside? I know that your passion is riding ...

City is a good place for outings with friends - cafes, clubs, exhibitions, shopping malls - after all, without which no girl can not get away and go to the cinema or theater. The village is a place for me to rest in a slightly different way. Horse riding, work on the farm, fishing, etc.. as possible;) Sometimes it's great to get away from everyday busy life in the city, just driving to the village where everything is completely different.

Thank Magda for the interview. Soon, another interview with the artist GT.

remind you that you can still be reported to the next edition of the Transit Gallery. More details here: 20tranzyt


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