Wednesday, April 27, 2011

07 Mustang Owners Manual

"Zar", Sandor Marai. About

old military monologue, dialogue with a friend who has ceased to be a friend of 41 years and 43 days ago ... Or maybe the last confession?
Marai in the "glow" wrote a lot of very briefly - although this is a short book, I had to stop several times, the accumulation of contents in a single paragraph threw at me and stopped to understand what I read.
But slowly I got to the end of the conversation, which really is "Restless" is a long statement of the old general, sometimes interspersed with short answers of the old (not) friend. So I reached the end of the age-old story about two gentlemen and one lady to escape in the tropics, the lost at wyczekiwaniu years of age, revenge, betrayal, love and mutual incomprehension, which among men is as common as mismatched shirts and morning coffee.

"Restless" is a book full of very nice, accurate reflection, which seems to neatly summarize the structure of the world. Fragments of old age, the passages about the curses of passion, which only fragments summary of parents' marriage, the main character. All of these sentences make sense and strength, which appealed to me. Also, the title
heat, the last vestige of feeling that time turned into dust.

Some not suitable for writing about such stories as "Zar", my usual round zdanka wit, usually light as a feather, do not fit the short history of the man who waited 40 years for another man, only to ask him two questions. Some insane simplicity of this waiting is concluded, an overwhelming fastening to life just for this one truth, which they do not know. And if the truth is so important after years? Are the memories can be a source of truth? But to answer two questions was necessary general that have increased in the walls of his house and waited.

fits my style of the author's brevity, though dryness, absolute accuracy in choice of words, some sophistication in the writing on the topics daily. A "glow" appears to be a good beginning of acquaintance with the works of his feature films. Sandor Marai may not fascinated me as his time had happened with several other writers, does not awake blushes and the urgent need to absorb all of what he wrote, now, immediately, immediately. But
interested enough to "glow" is not over.


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