Thursday, May 26, 2011

Where Can Buy A Wicker Chair For Baby Shower

two wheels

cycling season has been going at best. Cities provide the fans of two wheels of different kinds. Can easily distinguish those who grow the sport recreationally and those who approach the matter very seriously.

I dusted off my bicycle Mad and flying through the wilderness of the city. Pleased to welcome spring with this level and even nicer to share these moments with similar zapaleńcami spotkanymi on the road.

admit to the seasonal return to this form of exercise, but there are those who have overcome considerable distances in the least bike-friendly weather. It is they who preach the crazy ideas that there is no bad time of year on the bike, there is only bad clothing. It is thanks to the people of our city and towns, slowly but surely, turning into the place of friendly cyclists.

Anyone who has ever gone to a bigger city on a bike ride to experience for yourself, which means a real urban jungle. Starting from the holes in the shoulders, sunken manholes and the broken glass, come to more tangible problems, namely a clear deficit of bicycle paths, oddly defined for journeys ending on the fact that in our society for permission to hard way.

Polish cities still far from Copenhagen and Amsterdam. Not surprisingly, then, that in vain to find any Polish cities in the ranking of the city's most bicycle-friendly. Someone will ask, so what? After a car in the city itself comfortable. Zero effort, they can only costs a headache. However, many cities in the world collapses under the weight already smog, noise, noise. More and more often is placed on the parks and green areas. The best example is New York with its green lungs in the form of Central Park. Thousands of people actively spend their free time for jogging, skating or cycling. Centres close to traffic, opening up the streets for pedestrians, reduce speed. All the forces it seeks to ensure that the city became the friendly people and not cars. Only something with us still hard to imagine it, and cyclists are often treated almost as a kind of pests.

Fortunately, there are people who want to fight in the name of the city for the people! Every last Friday of the month in many Polish cities are organized so. "critical mass" - a mass ride through the streets on bicycles. Participation in this project is open to any willing. These events are not just seasonal excesses a few enthusiasts, but are held throughout the year focusing around a common idea of \u200b\u200bmore people.

Zorientujcie if u you are not passing the "critical mass". Check only if your bicycle is equipped with all necessary mechanisms, such as efficient light. Well also be brightly labeled. Because road safety is important;).

Critical Mass in Poland

in Gdansk - in June 4000 in 2004, (organized ride once a year).
in Warsaw - 2,366 people May 30, 2008, (ride held every month) [4].
in Dabrowa Basin - 1,000 people in April 2009, (toll organized twice a year).

Roots - since 1997
Warsaw - since May 1998,
boat - from June 1999, Lublin
- from 29 March 2003
Szczecin - since III 2003
Wroclaw - from April or May 2003 .
Radom - since May 2003,
Katowice - since September 2003, Bialystok
- since September 2003, Bydgoszcz
- since I 2004
Sanok - from April 2004, Arkadiusz
- From August 2004
Otwock - from X 2004
Think - from X 2004
Czestochowa - since August 2004,
Stargard - VIII 2004
Poznan, Poland - since September 2004,
Krakow - from V 2005
Saw - 3 June 2005
Rzeszów - from June 2005
Piotrkow Trybunalski - from 28 October 2005
Slupsk - since July 2006,
Torun, Poland - since 2007
Mielec - the seventh 2007
Racibórz - from October 2007
Bank - from October 2008,
Gliwice - from April 2009,
Feet - from May 2009
Bytom - from 31 July 2009
Nysa - on July 31, 2009
Chełm - from 28 April 2010
Kołobrzeg - 1 May 2010,
Wałbrzych - from 28 May 2010
Zabrze - from 13 August 2010
Kozienice - from 11 September 2010 r

source: Wikipedia


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