Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Orange Hair Or Copper Red

versus Emma Emma. Introduction lengthy.

Although the prose of Jane Austen clearly translate the book Sisters Brontë, these four ladies inherently associated with them and read them that this is a disgrace, herd. So too, when the moment comes on "Pride and Prejudice," everyone can be expected that after the n-th przewertowaniu favorite songs written by Jane Austen, surely will extend your eyes toward the next, darker, but in my opinion more interesting Brontë sisters. (Of course, on the principle that the best is left for dessert.)

On their books have been written much, and still gladly I would add something, but not necessarily at the moment. Helps us moment at which it is fairly even most beloved books, have gathered in each direction. And yet the desire to retain their atmosphere remains - it is time for numerous film adaptations, which, unfortunately, much of it is unpleasant experience. About ekranizacjach (all that I've seen), even "Wuthering Heights" I have a lot to say, but nothing good. Yes, even the famous movie of 1992 has failed me terribly, Fiennes and Binoche is a pair of very talented actors, but in my imagination, "Wuthering Heights" fit like a fist to the nose. Or unsolvable riddle
old Hollywood, why it was Laurence Olivier, had to play both Mr Darcy and Rochester (and the additive is still Mr. De Winter ! horror!), when these roles are not suited completely?
"Pride and Prejudice" is doing on the screen a bit better, version of 2005 is my favorite (Macfadyen was a hit, in general, a better cast of this adaptation is unlikely to have hits.)
A "Mansfield Park" is a much better movie than a book a novel, was bored to death while reading like a pug. O "Persuasion" as a paper and film have a lot to say, so it may also be another time.

Thus we arrive at the end of their originally intended theme, "Emma." Hard to read, do not deny it, although it is still the alluring style of Austen, though it is still the world, "Emma" is a horribly boring places, and the main character too often seemed to me to be simply stupid.

But otherwise submit to "Emma", when to reach for a movie, and two more adaptations of "Emma" in the same year 1996, version of the television and cinema.

Douglas McGrath has done everything as it should, he gathered a good cast (Gwyneth Paltrow, Toni Collette, Alan Cumming, Jeremy Northam and the like), chose the books relevant moments, deftly missing the boring and tedious passages. Then they were dressed nice, nicely filmed and pieced together into a whole against the picturesque backdrop widoczków. I went out this really good movie, funny, mischievous, funny, visually inviting for immediate purchase land in England.

best sums up the character Emma certainly Mr. Knightley, saying (loosely quoted) that it considers not to have to have something to learn, exactly.

And Gwyneth Paltrow seems to be made for the role of the young lady too generously endowed by nature, so she could avoid the exaggerated self-esteem and feel the smallest uncertainty of our judgments. Jeremy Northam as Knightley made a good, though perhaps his natural charm does not get in my tastes, because somehow I do not kidnapped me specifically. But Toni Collette as Hariett is marvelous, just as Mr. Cumming. Elton.
And so I would have to live peacefully, but in ignorance, thinking that "Emma," directed by McGrath's film is good, and when I compared it to other Austen film adaptation, it becomes even better, although perhaps a bit of candy. So pretty.

But! Yesterday I fell into the hands of the film version of a television production course, English, and my world was overturned. Or at least a piece of the world for "Emma", as that version was in almost every way better and the dexterity of the cinematic counterpart.

doubtfully Although I read the cast, of which I never would have thought this set of actors gave the book a much better atmosphere. They were less frivolity and wit, more natural refinement and charm. In other words, an American production suddenly seemed to me a tad pajacowata.

Mark Strong as Mr. Knightley was surprisingly smart choice, together with a young Kate Beckinsale formed a duo with no defects. Peaceful nature of the long-standing knowledge of Emma and Knightley, interspersed with moments of his critical comments and her smiles, "I know better", fell far more natural, without the pomposity of Hollywood's ubiquitous loveliness. In the end it came to me slowly uświadamianej pronunciation of this love, Knightley was, after all much older than his trzpiotowatej wybranki, and their ratio is presented as Strong / Beckinsale much more interesting than the alternative embodiment.

course content of both films are almost twins, but they can not refute the impression that the theatrical version that contains an unfortunate Hollywood ghost, which makes everything nicer, easier and sweeter. A little less intelligent and a little more fun.
Although not deny that when it comes to scenery, costumes, locations, even pictures and all the other small stuff that make up the visual reception of the film, the U.S. version beats telewizjyjną production per capita.

In "Emma," the English all seems more like a gray and tight. Even the actors are brzydsi (in large part). Only that does not change the fact that the more modest version of the now fully translate the "Emma" movie.

delight over this "Emma" would not have to end, the subtlety of the acting, the cast for final assembly, which now seems obvious to me (who better than Samantha Morton as Hariett? Who grateful to than Olivia Williams as Jane?) restraint on the scene, which in this second "Emmie" like suddenly antics. But entry must end in an already over-stretched it is.

scribbling sent I hope the above is what I wanted: a "Emma" is good, but the latter is so much better! And so, admit that Mr. Knightley is my favorite, favorite gentleman with a sizeable crowd of the created by Austen, so doubly appreciate the fact that the Mark of the Parties entirely conquered me in this role, completely surprised me, because I know him only from the movies Ritchie . And here you go, grace, style, deep look ... Well, well:)
And so it was not, Romola Garai and Jonny Le Miller in the 2009 version This year ha, ha, I guess not. I've seen and strongly deny the positive comments.


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