Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Brzer Open Denise

"How to Steal a Million", dir. William Wyler.

took me to Audrey, as in "take me" once in a while when I feel the need to visit old friends. Thereupon I reach without hesitation Bogart and Lauren, intertwined them with Audrey, I listen to Sinatra and read the "Evening in Byzantium." Fortunately, not all at once:)

Normally, when you feel a certain lack charm of Audrey Hepburn and years 50tych/60tych blood, without body lands in front of the "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and "Two for the Road." But how can, in particular, że kilka innych jeszcze filmów Audrey nakręciła i niedawno dopiero oprzytomniałam, że kilku z nich nie dane mi było zobaczyć. Padło więc na "Szaradę" z Cary Grantem, zdecydowanie mądrzejszy z dwóch obejrzanych filmów (czy mądrzejszy tzn. lepszy?). Ale o "Szaradzie" nie dzisiaj.
Padło bowiem również na "Jak ukraść milion". Gdybym posiadała wskaźnik wdzięku i uroku, ding!, mamy limit skali, jako że bardziej czarującego filmu już dawno nie widziałam. Od razu napiszę, że polecam absolutnie każdemu, kto chciałby przesiedzieć półtorej godziny z uśmiechem na twarzy i również then you do not lose that smile.

action is based on a meeting of two: She
, Nicole (Audrey Hepburn), the daughter of art forger, strongly urged his father to abandon the unfortunate attachment to, say, gardening.
He, the mysterious Simon (Peter O'Toole), a thief, a handsome, elegant, blue eyes ... Terrible man:)
When Nicole's father lends a fantastic museum, "valuable" statue of Venus, yet simulated by the grandfather of Nicole, and in the near future, there is the specter of technical research, Nicole willy-nilly decides to steal a statue the museum. His statue, because it would not steal someone else's:) From the first scenes I loved this movie dialogues.

"How to Steal a Million" is one of those simple, graceful films of yesteryear, which in some magical way, are the cure for all evils. Completion is known to us from the beginning, we all look good and no one curses, Audrey and Peter pass on the malignant docinkami funny, and the whole falls so nice that after the screening until you want to go and cuddle a piglet, or other neglected every day pet (crocodile?) to a better world.

Nicole and Simon know in rather unusual circumstances, he steals, she shoots, and then sit together in the kitchen (this is a shortcut), and as happens in fartownych productions between the two can really feel sympathy. Zgrali to be reached so that the tale of a self-reinforcing their knowledge of the winch grateful verbal skirmishes and situational humor.

And the latter is missing or not, the guards at the museum and insidious bottle, the American millionaire-imperialist thoughts obsesjonista the collector, the father of main character ... Yes, Nicole's father (Hugh Griffith) is a perfect example that supporting role easily eclipse the first plan, when will the artist. A father-forger made me shed tears (crocodile almost) with laughter of course. Incorrigible joker, caring father-racketeer, miracle!
But the first plan also does not give himself a blow grits, as I wrote, Audrey and Peter were perfectly matched and in this way, "How to Steal a Million" as if the same liquid. Peter O'Toole is the same for me on-river, restrained, graceful, handsome, great actor ... You can replace the long, become so the finding that fits the full benefits of Audrey Hepburn.

Although I have the impression that this is a little delighted pianiu I repeated, and even crept into suspicious crocodiles, the moral of the story Liritio is that "How to Steal a Million" is a wonderful film that landed on the honorable place, "one of my favorite movies Audrey. " Wyler Maybe your favorite movie at all ...? Although still "Jezebel" ... Anyway, I urge, herding, urge!


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