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Transit Gallery presents artists - Patrick Peter Antoniak

's time to submit the last artist of the first edition of the Transit Gallery. Patrick Peter Antoniak creating job window overlooking the ... says the network sucks. What kind of network it, and what draws Patrick will learn from the interview, which the artist gave Mad & Mad.

For Patrick Peter Antoniak city is one big network. The network of streets, cables, pipes and buildings. In good order throughout this cosmic man finds the city. window overlooking the ... talking about a project in the system, the body structure.

Facitybook is a message sent to a modern man, an attempt to establish a dialogue town - the residents. Poznan seeks contact with his household, tenants. Take a look around, search for messages. Facitybook is the only clue is a sign. Today, many people appreciate the potential of 'product' Mark Zuckerberg. It is this party was an inspiration to the way in which attention was paid to the city of Poznań - network.

Are you also are in this group are dependent on Facebook? ;)

Haha, good question! Certainly addicted to checking several addresses. Of course, one of them come to notice from Facebook. What is it for less? Mainly source information about what is happening in the city. Do not forget the main idea - the platform communication - allows me to keep in touch with friends, which does not meet every day. Lots of time I spend at the computer when I'm at home it is almost always turned on. I then enabled the two tabs - Gmail and Facebook. Well ... It seems that I fit the profile interface is dependent on. Just when I think that I have it on the phone. There have been several such moments, when hung up his profile (if completely die on the portal), and endured without Facebook, but it is looking to say, "Wow deleted the account on fejsie? Why not have your comments?. "Typically, I came:)

do you think is already a bit so that more often gaze at the screen than look out the window?

Well, in my case it is. Unfortunately, so is . Outside (wherever we) can see a lot more interesting world than there ... inside a plastic box. Of course, some will say that there is more, faster and more convenient. I do not deny, however, is not it natural and real.

What is your attitude to Web 2.0?

On the one hand, the great thing - communication, personal opinions and so forth. On the other ... It's like some people use Web 2.0 to me is frightening. Then look through garbage, a nasty poison and tar. The bottom of the Internet, the bottom of Web 2.0, the bottom of society. But in everyday life I try not to pay attention.

In his work, look at the city as a great network, system, the body ...

Every day in the same way I look at the city. Is this going by tram or on foot. The network operates according to the scheme and each city has its own schema, it also has other residents. Like the city, but that does not mean I do not see their faults. Scares me a little bit, what they are doing with them their hosts. I think we should wake up and start work here on my own. Policies govern their own interseksy, and not the interests of the city. Too little of the spending in the culture, but here's another story.

Is it easy to hold a dialogue with the city?

dialogue with the city ... The longer I think on it, the more it seems to me this is complicated. I think that the city must be understood, or at least want to understand them. But if I Can Do That? Not me judge. In its draft throw a message in the city, for me it is legible. Do not know if the other also. I wish I could devote more time to dialogue with the city, more listen to this daily rhythm controllable by the mass dependence. One thing I know, work with this great living system is addictive.

Apparently you like to roam the Poznan ... whether the recently discovered some nice places?

Yes, I like to Poznan, and I like to roam around the city. Once, having more leisure time spent here a long time. Quite often wandered the nooks and crannies Jeżyce, Grunwald, Lazarus ... Now I have more classes, I have to move efficiently between points A and B. I hope that the holiday will be able to freely indulge in the former migrations. Classifieds gives me a lot of cool places. I have three that I like most. It is a botanical garden (I know this place since early childhood), Pub "U of Friends" (a unique atmosphere where you pass the gate you enter the small and quiet square, even though you're still in the center). Park Street. Dike, today is the Museum of Ethnography (I've never been inside, not my cup of tea) was formerly is the seat of the Masonic lodge.

What inspires you?

Live is inspiring! Everywhere is so much happening, so I can see, hear. Even prosaic a blown light bulb replacement is inspiring. I started work on installing just the bulb. In dealing with every day graphics collide with many works, even deliberately looking for them. But the way we look through them seems to be terrible. I open the page and just throw a look to the least remember that my idea could be the most original. I also try to find inspiration in the past, there have look carefully analyze the details. The past is for me inseparable from art, from its history. Art inspires, in any form of literature, the theater, painting, sculpture, to the (phenomenal), the Polish poster school.

Is there maybe other city in which you want to live?

Complicated ... New is always interesting. Made my appeal to Warsaw - a huge system. For sure I am not crushing. Contrary to common belief, there is a lot of greenery, beautiful parks, etc. Concerts, exhibitions, performances, that's all I need, and it is in pretty good shape. Just when I think that I would leave Poznan, Warsaw, a blurred image.

Patrick Peter Antoniak works can be viewed at the Transit Gallery, edition of Street. St. Marcin 35 to 30 April 2011.

worth a visit: www ,


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