Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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theory of time according to the trolls.

Sunshine is, it's time to smile. By nature, I mean smiling I visit, so assisted as I can ... Among other things Pratchett.
And please, at the 26tej rozchichotałam site for good.
"As the only among all the creatures in the world, trolls believe that living beings are moving back in time. If the past is visible and the hidden future, translate, it means that we must stand back to front. Everything that lives , it moves backwards. This is a very interesting idea, especially if we take into account that it invented the breed that spends most of his time pounding each other with stones on their heads. "
T. Pratchett, "Reaper", Ed. Prószyński i S-ka, Warsaw, s.26 .
I do not know much about Einstein's theories, but the troll even have a meaning, especially when quite probable assumption that the world operates on the upside:)

Pratchett in a larger mass may be weary, but two or three books for relaxation the correct dose. And a good portion of reviews reprinted on the back cover, let me rewrite.

"I'm starting to believe that Terry Pratchett is the best humorist, he knew what this country since the PG Woodehouse'a - less coarse than Tom Sharpe, less cynical than Douglas Adams, just pure fun"

So wrote David Pringle at The White Dwarf, whatever that magazine was not, wrote beautifully.
confronted with its own opinion: Wooster and Jeeves Woodehouse'a really sincere praise (as well as Laurie & Fry), a story about Wiltcie never appealed to me not coincided, so, it almost agree.
Almost, because, of course, in my opinion nothing beats Adams, Pratchett, even as the same joy. But these are minor differences, like horses with short snout at the finish, as provided by these gentlemen among the humorists to change ahead. Ahead of (?), Since half are dead, use the appropriate time it gets tricky. Or perhaps just ahead of her back.


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