Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lens Crafters And Vsp

European Youth Week

Today, May 15, launched for the fifth time European Youth Week organized by the Foundation for Education Development Scheme. During those seven days, the organizers invite the debates, workshops and meetings. Everything is done to young people finally spoke about his future, Polish and European Union.

we are wholeheartedly behind such actions, because it means that someone in this country at the end of thinking about youth. Breaks the stereotype that the policy calls upon us only in the perspective of the upcoming elections.

One day, the European Commission raised her head with the dull set and found that something of this Union is not that such a small contribution to youth in its development. In the end, young people are the future of the countries are members, so why not start talking to them. And so was born the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ETM in the State of the Union. Inauguration

all of the action took place during the Night of Museums in Warsaw, Copernicus Science Centre. Since then spammed us the power of workshops and meetings, which will be discussed with politicians, experts and peers on topics such as volunteering, employment in the Union, and integrating young people from backgrounds with reduced opportunities for development.

conclusions of the debates will help the Commission to create improved educational programs. Thanks to the voice of youth, the Polish will give fruit in the form of a more conscious and more intensive participation in the shaping of the Union.



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