Monday, May 30, 2011

Can Doctor Determine The Age Of The Scar

I am God ...

Already on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 , there will be a special concert in Katowice, commemorating the work of the Magic - one of the members of the legendary group Paktofonika.

In 2003, Rahim and Focus have announced an official solution Paktofonika. This took place on March 21 at the farewell concert in Katowice. After more than eight years back there again, this time to commemorate the creativity, the tragically deceased, the Magic.

The concert is part of a larger enterprise. For several years there were plans to complete the film the last two years of life and Paktofonika Magic, headed I am God. In December 2008 he released the script for the movie even outbuildings Krtyka political effort in the book Fri Paktofonika-Guide Political Criticism.

This is not another poignant tale of good excluded, but the dramatic story of the world, one who does not fight, he goes to the bottom. Based on facts, details zdokumentowana, well constructed, bringing out the contradictions of hip-hop. On one hand, rebellious lyrics against the system, on the other dreams of a career, money, and furach chambers. It's all on the background of the 90s Silesia, where the traditional model life based on the ethos of religion and crumbles to dust under the pressure of absolute economy. Where reality is derailed, and with it the fall of the tracks, people . - Roman Pawlowski said of the Gazeta Wyborcza in a public reading of the script You are God in the Studio Theatre in Warsaw

31 March 2011 will be a free concert as part of images to the aforementioned film. Performance of Focus, Rahim, DJ bamboo and has mapped Sot Beatbox Paktofonika farewell concert in 2003. Fragments recorded during this unique event will be used in the film Leszek Dawid, "You are God."

concert is free. But the prerequisite is to visit the page and fill
proper registration form.

May 31, 2011 Spodek, Katowice
Start: hr. 17



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