Friday, May 6, 2011

Mount And Balde For Mac

Post number 100!

recently noticed that I approach the magic number of one hundred. So I decided to keep the right to this special post for a couple of your own thoughts. For some time, tormented me to the question of how to change my views on the subject of books, or literature in general.

admit that I started to write a blog just like that to try and see how it feels, see how long I have strength and enthusiasm. Had no too much discernment in literature, still looking, still I roam. Now the blog is something natural, something that simply is something I do not have to wonder. Just like getting up every day, just entering the blog, writing notes on books read, reading other blogs, I came just in the blood. I can not imagine that one day some cunning goblin destroyed everything I wrote here (very often had such thoughts, that someday I'll put my email address .... and there is confusion, emptiness, an abyss;))

Well, I like this whole blogging is sharing their thoughts, that I find it curious that the day on other blogs) But here comes my little worry. What to do with his own revues that have lost a bit of validity? Certainly not longer books zachwyciłabym Mr. J. Wisniewski, whose work I liked it at the beginning of your blogging adventure. Of course this is just an example, probably would have found a number of other such books or authors.

reading the blog is very easy to form your mind about its author, its readership attitudes, preferences and views. But as far as they are important, but rather for how long? With each book we read, a step forward, so what to do with this whole book past? Leave and do not think that now we think otherwise? :) Probably none of you have already returned to the old reviews, they do not change, at the end of this blog post for just a moment of loose thinking was, passed and will soon be next. But sometimes it bothers me that after all it is now different, Now for some books I'd write something completely different. No, but it's probably such a circle with no exit. Does anyone of you know maybe some middle ground on my dilemma? ;)

Post No. 100 unless there is a great achievement. Personally, however, very happy with him, and though he never celebrated birthdays blogging, I decided to celebrate this moment:) I did not think that so long I can get here zagościć.

Thanks to all who volunteer their time piece to look here, read and write their own opinion;)
To me an incredible joy and motivation!

on my nice summary of how rare personal post number 100, who enjoyed a mini pile eyes:

PS On this occasion, I changed the name of my blog, so that was the same as the address;)



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