Sunday, May 22, 2011

6.5 Hp Robin Subaru Engine

"The Legacy of Esther", Sandor Marai.

do not know if my fatigue, a general glut, and may in fact I found a weaker Maraiego book (I found out, however, the variety name, but still I do not like at all), but either way, "Esther's Legacy "zaburzyło unrelenting podziwów band for the Hungarian writer. Primo, I had the impression that it is a decal with "Caloris Basin" (ie, vice versa, "Restless" is a little late, but I I read in a different order). Similar subject, or return after many years, explaining the mysteries and the triangle, this time the pan and two ladies. Actually, the entire set of characters are similar, even old babysitter from "Caloris Basin", here is my aunt as a silent refuge, and the rock in the background.
Secundo, Esther me madly upset his passivity. So many years in love with the hypocritical, weak man, I understand the feelings hard to get out. But the pain did not move on, just go ... Oh no, I do not agree, the damage of life.
Tertio, came to the conclusion that the form of either short or long (these books are almost like short stories, long stories) bothers me in reading. A little penetrate into the world presented, I recognize some characters, like the kicks, and tu pac, finally, we close the theater.

would not be an outstanding writer, however, Marai, if these allegations were of great importance in wider perspective. Again I'm impressed with his way of writing, how to weigh the words, not abusing them. In this way, forcing me to read with care, can not gaze on the course only by the parties, Marai pulls mighty hand of the small letters and grabs his face. Just in
"Dzidzictwie Esther most caught my attention monologue about human morality, delivered by a man rather determined by the environment as a living negation of morality. In short, crooked, he said that human morality is secondarily acquired, children and animals such bonus from nature do not have. I Marai words of one of the heroes of "Heritage of Esther briefly my thoughts about the comment, while dressing in the words of what happened to me on the head knocking, and much more.

course, "The Legacy of Esther" is not just text about the morality and solve the mystery after many years. As is apparently the writer sometimes on a few pages is a lot of thoughts woven into the words of the characters, more or less hidden. Maximize the importance of a modest number of words mastered perfectly Marai. And though far more attracted to me reading "Caloris Basin", I'm not sure if Maraiego books are meant to just "enjoy".

And now lies on my desk a thick book, excerpts from his journals. Oh, a challenge, Rainbow Bear he was not. At the moment I watched pictures attached to the borrowed release. Do you think Marai obraziłby at me for posting a preliminary, that the face looks just as Wilde? Of course features vary, but it is just unpleasant, rounded, large, puffiness. It was surprising that Wilde's love with such a face honestly. In the case of Sandor
Maraiego of sincere worship how hard, if not meet, but cichutka sympathy might remain in me.


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