Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Is The Loudest Subwoofer

Ian McEwan -" Concrete Garden "

Author: Ian McEwan
Title: "Concrete Garden"
Number of pages: 197

The book Concrete Garden reached for not knowing about her almost nothing. Bait was the only description located on the cover of the book :

" Concrete garden is a dense, intense story about four children who, after leaving their parents gradually assume their roles. Suspended between the world of childhood and adulthood are drifting through the days of sleepy, hot summer. The whole atmosphere of erotic tensions isolated house to ripen on its own identity, sexuality, and discover trying to find themselves in relationships with ourselves and the world. "

And so from the start? Because a very good thing that I knew nothing about the plot, which leads into a book. The key for the entire novel is an event that should remain secret for all to reach for the book before. In it lies the whole surprise, indignation and the accompanying internal opposition. Around it also increases the tension that increases with each successive chapter. If I knew from the beginning of what our heroes would also what to commit, so important in this case, the element of surprise be lost forever. Because the closure of this inhuman act in the same sentence I never give it, as it was presented in the book. Realizes, however, that Concrete Garden is a novel quite popular, giving rise to much controversy, brave, and as we know, with such books very often hear about and discuss, and therefore probably not be able to guard against no one in her hidden secret. There are a few things that can even be said. The event, which is said, implies the number of incidents which have great importance for the heroes of the book.

Four siblings, Julia, Sue, Tom and Jack, are trying to replay a family whose two main pillars collapsed irretrievably. Fresh blast freedom, which arrived in the thresholds after the death of their parents house, very quickly turns into the stench unbearable. It seems that the stench which hangs in the house, all four anesthetized, which, despite great loss seems to function quite normally, as if nothing had happened. Julia, the eldest sibling assumes the role of the mother, taking her pseudo-mother's youngest wing Tom. But he just tosses his personality shaping up between the wearing of skirts and trousers. Jack, who leads the whole narrative, and desire looks at Juliet, onanizując after any closer contact with my sister. The house, which we enter is definitely something wrong. Four young people imposing a foreign role, igrających with their own personalities, and to be sexually devastating thing, next to which it is impossible to pass by. Descriptions of their daily lives, the need for acceptance and love and emotional loss at the same time, evoke both fear and compassion.

What distinguishes the book is the language spoken by the author, blunt and devoid of emotion vocabulary
precondition enhances the strength of media. There is no unnecessary wrapping
the bush, no beautiful metaphors, the world is what it is, and very often just like the title
concrete. Grey, cold, rubbed into the air puts a cloud of dust, which slowly settles on all the human emotions, preventing a clear assessment of events and a broader view of the world. Concrete was supposed to be for the four siblings start a new life, and has become the cause of their downfall.

recommend to all, both those who know little more about the book, as well as those who have not yet had the opportunity to know the story Concrete garden. About this book simply can not think, and unfortunately / fortunately it is impossible to forget.



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