Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Donation Letter Samples

James and Jamie break the hearts of


Among the crackling noise and crystal clear vocals James Blake and Jamie Woon are like Central Park in midtown Manhattan. Give oxygen and peace, make us slow down and even sit down and encourage contemplation.

They are young, handsome and talented. There are also British. And make the hearts all over the world beat to the rhythm of their brzdękania pianinku and gitarce. Anemicy melancholy without skrupółów incendiary both women and men. Spring is coming and humming under his breath, "The William Sream" and "Lady Luck".

James Blake is 22 years old, his musical studies on head and behind their debut album. In February, appeared to James Blake-James Blake, who immediately became przyuważony by critics and listeners. Actually, all on him now eagerly awaited. After their first EP, "CMYK" and "Air & Lack Thereof" dying of curiosity, where are you James takes his interest in electronics and dupstepem. In September, after hearing the single "Limit to Your Love" I swear by all that was holy, that He was born here. Do not mistaken.

The Jamie Woon last three years he spent on himself przepytywaniu saving response to the staves. As a result, personal tours of the lands was music album "Mirrorwriting" which is scheduled for release on April 11, 2011. Because some time ago already heard songs such as "Night Air" and "Lady Luck", we know that Jamie likes r'n'bi soul, does not shrink the electronics and is willing to reach for gitarkę. Also liked the voice of a boy fell to us that what can I say ... disarms. And these disarmed, we mad girls and guys, listen up and zasłuchujemy.


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