Friday, March 25, 2011

Play Bowling Australia


That kind of watches for men are gone to rest, because now all the cells measure time ... and not the end!

not known who invented the first wrist watch. Historians can not also specify the exact origin of the invention. We only know that it was in the nineteenth century, at a time when the well-accustomed to wearing a watch in his waistcoat pocket.

And can anything more to say on the future of the watch on his hand? Vision as much as designers. Perhaps the right to Nuno Teixeira, who designed the watch Equinox, and may Iskender Asanaliev with his screen-LEDowym.

Nuno Teixeira, Equinox

Iskender Asanaliev

However, we are most interested in the here and now. And that's what we can possibly afford financially. Web Wyszperaliśmy few nice watches that really want to have and show them to you today. Abbreviation
ODM Original Design Manufacturer means, ie a company whose products ultimately will bear the logo of another company. ODM is also an American company that produces fancy watches under the banner of original, dynamic and minimal. We have reason to believe that the imagination of designers focused around company is highly developed. They play with colors and forms that are brave and funny. Show that the watch is not only a shield and tips (or an electronic display). The watch can be a rainbow (rainbow), sweets (candy), ufo (UFO) or be a bit dazed pixels (pixel daze).

ODM, Candy


Supposedly the best watches are Swiss watches. And we each think that the U.S. is the most beautiful watches watches. Let finally convince you to Nook's products, which herald a revolution in the way the show time. In vain search for clues or cyferek rectangle. But it is difficult to break away from their sight. Flattering in every way, thought from every angle. Designed for those who like to be którrzy step, or even two, to the front.


Learn to live with a stopwatch in hand ... we come to it with increasing ease. This time we zauroczyły watches made by designers working for the Italian company Alessi. The proposal for those wishing to go beyond the pattern, but still attached do klasycznej formy. Rażą kolorami, przyciągają prostą linią. Podobnie jest z zegarkami firmy Too Late. Plastik-fantastik, wszystkie kolory tęczy i przystępna cena. Czyli wspaniała propozycja dla początkujących zbieraczy fajnego designu.

TOO LATE (zegarki dostępne w sklepie )


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