Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Moccasin Shoes On 14th Street Number

Poet: Philip Titus Pikalski

Whose are the times? Bankers and poets? Reading the poems of a young, Polish poet - Philip Titus Pikalskiego think to myself: oh, thank God, but perhaps the poets ...

was 19 years old when he published his first book of poetry, pt. "Wardrobe". But the poems he wrote while he was still a student Radom sevens. Co-founder Zuterport team, also be granted in "Poetic Elixir Group Radom. Poet Andrew Mędrzycki had to say about it:

pinch of poetic landscape, with overtones almost political trafiającym weaknesses in the global ecosystem. Poetry in the coexistence of philosophical contemplation. Cocktail of lightness, depth of thought and reflection. Such is the poetry of Philip Pikalskiego. Or difficult? Rather ambitious, mature and already well on the road.

are very glad to host us today, in the pages of our blog, poet Philip Titus Pikalskiego. Bearing in mind the words of Edward Stachura that a true poet is the poetry, without unnecessary chatter, go work to present to you our guest today.


so we could sit every
cautiously sipping hot chocolate
talk about things over which we have
completely disagree

pokazywałbym like now what
is good and what is bad and you
głaskałabyś me on the back
as now muttering that I'm wrong

against you in the hands całowałbym
each finger individually
in defense stwiedzenia
that our disagreement is fine


was our faith and if
wake up tomorrow, flooded with tears
this belief will turn into a martyrdom
ants wandering

morning sun and if you give us the eyes
this belief is not faith, but prophecy of the coming eternity

perhaps yawning open unknown passage from the misty
troughs houses
slopes to the blue sky


you heat the fitting if necessary
in the event of a sudden fall in love and only in my head
could also add a sensitive gesture stretched his arms wide
smile with every moment that longs and cries

let's do it like the first time
embarrassed when the stars were falling through the sky
and we are staring deeply into each other
nuciliśmy melody bliss


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