Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kraft Coleslaw Dressing Recipes

few words from the cunning Anne Wolf: D

W horoskopy nie szczególnie wierzę,ale podobno wszystkie zodiakalne panny mają nadzwyczajną zdolność trafnej obserwacji i analizy...
Nie mam czasu na to by sprawdzić jakimi znakami zodiaku są przeważnie psychologowie, psychiatrzy and sociologists
:-) I know a bank that I was a young lady and I can not stop and watch - even sitting at home.

The Polkowickiego month I was a spectator at the theater presentation titled "Lessons of madness."
Polkowice - small and very rich town (KGHM) without a theatrical tradition, indeed with no tradition of communing with art as such, and that's ... thirteenth edition of the meetings with the big theaters.

presentation took place in the school hall. My attention turned
costumes ... Women feel the gravity - they go to art!
sequins, pearls, gloves, fur. I
every day without paying attention to dress, I felt very proud of this attitude of the audience.
It's a tribute to "cardboard theater" in Polkowice.

This silence for a moment before, the rotation of the light intensity on stage ... Damn - I like it!
I miss that here ...

terribly I liked how the main character in the play, said:
Because the theater is used to Taming WORLD ....


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