Sunday, March 13, 2011

Is There Anything As Non Alcoholic Champagne

man of success, today Job, unusually quiet man ...

Teacher - nice to remember that this profession once had a value. Each of us probably remember the famous Keating eagerly advances to shreds manuals, or better, because from our backyard - Stasia Bozowską, bearer intelligentsia ethos of the nineteenth century, the voluntary impulse which drove the country to carry the torch of education and to die of consumption. A more contemporary version with the appointment of a teacher has created a delicate beauty Michelle Pfeiffer - which in turn motivated students from the ghetto batonikami ("Dangerous Minds").

Ah, the dream ... was a few years ago, and today?

teacher is probably the most neglected and znieważanym profession, be a teacher today becomes antinomy of success in life. Such a chemist-loser is what Walter White hero American series "Breaking Bad" . He works in a provincial school, earning pennies to keep his pregnant wife and disabled son to still learns he has cancer ... sounds like the story of Job, but here's the return of shares. Well, Walt honest instead of waiting passively for the smile of fate and death begins to truly live, and finally take fate into their own hands - fighting for the future of the family, using his only asset - excellent knowledge of chemistry. And that becomes the most powerful producer of drugs in the area, turns into a man of success / Of course we are dealing with yet another masterful (even after "Weeds" and "Deperate Housewives"), episodic game convention, the viewer does not know well, or protagonist standing on the side of good or evil, and it probably does not care, because with bated breath followed his fate. What's funnier - the creator of the series uses a motif of the master and disciple, as the company with the master professor enters his former pupil - thrown out of school drug dealer.

Walter White's History, albeit thriller, but carries a positive message. In today's lack of authority, disregard for school institutions, wsadzania baskets on his head hero of "Breaking Bad" shows that although a robust knowledge can be used become a powerful force. Better not drażnijcie their belfrów, little children ...

text: Catherine Połońska


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