Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wrapping Paper Animal Print

George Orwell - Animal Farm

Author: George Orwell
Title: "Animal Farm"
Number of pages: 135

do not know if it was a good idea to read "Folwark" after reading the "Year 1984". Orwell's already drawn the world, perhaps a bit indifferent to "Animal Farm". I read, but without much emotion, and certainly not those that accompanied me at the time to learn of Big Brother watching every move of Winston Smith. A pity, because "Animal Farm" is another story showing how primitive are the mechanisms of human thinking, constant desire of power and domination over others. How easy it is to get caught up in its own rules and routinely bend them to gain an advantage over others and myself set up, everything around to suit your needs.

The book is set in a manor farm, where animals are dissatisfied with the conditions in which they live, agree to carry out a revolution, to drive away from the farm of his master, and start a better life. Want to guarantee themselves a decent living conditions, provide an ideal government, based on equality and justice. Manor Farm is changed so in a farm animal, and at the forefront of all residents is a pig named Major. Passwords that promotes Major quickly find its followers among all animals. Life begins to be better, everything is going according to plan, animals are finally happy. Unfortunately, Major dies, and his role is taken over successively other pigs. The vision of the farm that has created a Major gradually begins to fall, showing cunning pigs, lies and manipulation they commit against other animals. The rules that were written and posted on the farm, which requires the equality of all its citizens, are insidiously changed, and any observations of animals tortuously explained. Another utopia collapses, revealing the sad railway revolution, in which, after the overthrow of a tyrant, the authority takes over another group of people quietly climbing the ladder of power. Pigs are converging slowly to the man, learn to write, to walk on two legs, using in a comfortable bed and drink whiskey. Other animals humbly look at the whole situation, it really remains helpless and imperceptibly zgarniętymi under the wing of a new dictatorship.

This short novel, although set up by the author's allusion to the governments of the Soviet Union and the October Revolution, however, is universal and timeless work. "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others", the password that the new rulers began to prevail in the farm are the words that were often confirmed by history, and unfortunately there continue. And of course, not on animals is discussed here. But it is hard not to sympathize farm heroes who, in their naivety to believe in the word proclaimed by the pigs, living in blissful ignorance of what is happening around them. And so, from the initial well-being and equality, were pushed to the margins of their animal life. Caution or a history lesson that Orwell wanted to pass through the metaphor of the fabulous farm animals and is very simple and its simplicity, just sad. As he wrote, moreover, "can not make a revolution, if you are not doing it for themselves, there is no such thing as a benign dictatorship. "

For now I am finishing my 'adventure' with Mr. Orwell. "Year 1984" by far the more I liked, if such determination is at all appropriate for this type of books. But the time to read something lighter and move on to a bit nicer world;)



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