Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Samples Of Handwritten Wil Ontariol

month later.

Nearly a month later, Anna Pyaa writes his blog ...
He had to be done.

I started to write a book autobiographical.
lot of people urging me to do this for a long time.
not say that he finds himself in this ...
love bizarre descriptions of human faces, emotions, the smell of time.
I like the absurdity of his life.
Unfortunately for this ... you need 300% concentration.
not about a house in the Bieszczady mountains ... I can write at the airport, the car-ba in the toilet, but
but still feels that he is not yet time.
I do not have enough muscle pozbieranych legs, and so pozbieranych thoughts in the brain so I can continue to book with 10 entries.
I miss the end ...

Under the influence of the "letter" from a man who decided to help us share 1% for Marcinek, I decided to go back to the good old old blog.
I missed it.
Let me now platonic embrace blogger site! :)

struggling with the disease somehow stick.
We saw half a ton of movies on DVD, read a few books, newspapers, three rudders.
When I was such a time?

prepares you mentally for the season.
I'm Ready.

started from orders in the closet.
As my psychiatrist said ...
To have order in life, you first need to have order around them.

I also decided to significantly downsize - present an image of me is like a stranger ... Where
beautiful muscular stomach?
Fortunately, nothing is lost!

Ambitions serduchu me crazy, so if someone has something to offer in the category of "pictures" you're welcome ...
Remember that after millions of photographs rather indifferent to the things trivial and routine matters.
Do not confuse this with an ordinary life, with real emotions ... it will always be dear to me.
If anyone knows an interesting personality - I'm waiting for the notification (which may arise something delicious.)

I can not create.
Then only thickens - Boredom.

During my absence bloggers dug up their lives to work to support families with Down syndrome, whose author is a friend from school benches.
few issues anew in me boil.
is fire - so let there be two birds with one płomyku:)

visited exotic county in order to pursue an all-night fun at the costume ball.
was excellent (I was an Indian with a great ass, and then it was only a mouse - However strange constellation of words, sounds ass-mouse).

I made a few photos.



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