Friday, February 25, 2011

Protocol Spanish Walkie Talkie

James Malecki - Dżozef"

Author: James Malecki
Title: "Dżozef"
Number of pages: 379

strange creature from the "Dżozefa. Strange literature, for what mix of classics, fiction, and backyard jargon that certainly is a good idea? It would seem that it is not necessary, but we have to admit that James Malecki podołał this task. In addition, it is created in the strangeness of something above average, something that pulls and makes the reading of "Dżozefa" is pure pleasure.

can say that Grzesio Bednar, the protagonist of the book, a man from the neighborhood. Completion of vocational school and the lack of prospects for the future make him sad all the epitome of what Polish. Grzesio is a simple boy, he likes to complain a little, sometimes forcefully curse. But it is not stupid, you may not sin eloquence, for it certainly entertains a sense of humor, sense of distance and position, making comments uttered by him is a pure feast of brilliant irony. Opportunity to get to know his life is Grześ unfortunate accident when on the street, in exchange for the phone, Grzesio gets a gift in the form of a broken nose. However, this gift is a veritable Pandora's box. After a broken nose, it's time to visit the hospital, loss of job, and shortly after leaving the girl.

In all this sadness Grzesiowi accompanied by colleagues from the hospital room, dust, loss of time and a fourth. That's what started all four lines, is a joint watching TV and complaining about hospital conditions and the food. From the fourth group, however, lags behind that fascinated by the works of Joseph Conrad, still absorbs his book. In time, Conrad's prose begins to also affect the other men. Enters their lives unexpectedly, into a rather curious figure, in addition, resulting in a series of strange events. For this second world salowi companions are introduced by the fourth story, which spins a mysterious fever infancy, almost fairy tale story.

From the moment we are dealing with two very different narratives, different environments and characters. We learn also, who is the goat of cover, what he did and how affected the life of a small Stas. Jumping between these two worlds is a bit strange procedure, although very successful. Element connecting the two worlds is the prose of Conrad. Fourth spreads over every line written by the author of "Heart of Darkness." At one point, but do not know if everything that says this is true or a veritable frenzy. The latter, in turn, getting to Grześ, who have the impression that the hospital begins to shrink and disappear bed hospital rooms are becoming smaller. Together with the dust begins to wonder what is happening and whether it has something to do with the story told by the Fourth. All however, has its cause and effect, what we'll find out soon dobrniemy the end of the novel "Dżozef.

The intention of the author between two distinct narratives hide was also a small lesson, after which the decrypted, our life, like that of the heroes of the book should be a bit overvalued. Unfortunately, I feel that this treatment is a bit nadszarpnął whole. Because if a combination of fantasy, classics and jargon dresiarskiego worked perfectly, it still added to this love story and a bit moralistic zawadzał me. In the end, what too much of a good thing;) does not change the fact that the author deserves applause for the idea, creative characters and their dialogues. Grześ just can not not like it. The whole was read with great interest, and the parties are disappearing as fast as hospital rooms in the eyes of our Grześ;)



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