Friday, February 25, 2011

Feel Dizzy On Loraxapam Last One...

There are places in our cities unfortunately forgotten

The personal tragedy of those places contributes to the fact that it arose in an entirely different purpose than the decay and die. The world is changing, everything is going forward, and if they contradict the idea of \u200b\u200bflowing time. It is a fact, clash, śniedzieją, but still stuck in the previous era. This is specifically what the witnesses were.

We cease to notice them, because I no longer fulfill its role. Became unnecessary. tenement cabinet, which once attracted the attention of passers, serve as an informative and no denying their purpose.

showcases urban history reflects the changes in our society. Information has value when it is readily available and communicated with a certain speed. This speed increases with the technological innovations introduced into the market. All the more surprising that the city showcases uchowały still somewhere in the folklore of the city. Maybe it is a common oblivion enabled them to survive the test of time.

Despite the fact that every day we go around them, do not notice their existence. We pass them without focusing on what they have to say. What is unique is their place. Pedestrian space, somewhere there's subgenus' corridors of fast-moving traffic between the busy thoroughfare of the city, and (not) quiet courtyard of historic buildings. Żulerki the local meeting place and the young, not knowing what to do in your spare time. But even they did not know until the end of what's behind the glass sites.

space is nobody and no one's there are also public cabinet. Each house has course owner / and each is managed by someone, so each site, and someone should be. Formally. In practice, they do not belong to anyone. In Poland, these spaces are often destroyed. Urban cabinets are no exception. Often not at all used, because another window uchowała here just a few days. Complain to the shopkeepers, which is precisely what the cabinet is / was the only form of information about their existence.

Meanwhile, the cabinet may be something news more than anybody's space. It is only to discover its potential. Available to all, without distinction between rich and poor, children, or adults, educated or not. They are generally accessible place, part of urban folklore as well as natural flagstone - they create an atmosphere of the city.

Information sites have a specific window on the world. In these impossible things become possible due out in the interior images, things and information. Their form is only superficial. It depends on us how we give it shape and what form it will take. May correspond to the general longing to deny greyness dilapidated walls, can sensitize, to show what is invisible, cause the illusion of space, go beyond its framework, or simply to inform. Despite its archaic form may be modern, original, brave. Embedded in the folklore of the city or deny it completely. The cabinet can move us to another world, which is a figment of our imagination.


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