Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ati Driver 6.14 .10.6462 Letöltése

"Szelmostwa naughty girl "- M. Vargas Llosa

Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Title: "Szelmostwa naughty girl '
Number of pages: 380

are some books that were not necessarily eye fatigue and sleep, could be read in one breath. Few of their office, on the path of my current readership, but "Szelmostwa naughty girl" no doubt belong to them. For though the story in the book is another in a series of unreal, almost fairy-tale, describing the love and devotion did not stop at national borders, unfortunately, in my naivety grabbed me and I fell in love enough to not be able to break away from her.

always hard to pick a book from which it would / fitting / would be best to start your adventure with the work of the author. "Szelmostwa" This is my first encounter with writing Llosy. No problem so I gave the set to charm in her history, not having in mind any comparisons or expectations as to how it should look like a good novel by Nobel Prize winner. The pleasure of reading about naughty The girl and her faithful adoratorze Chudopachołku made it went out in my head all, supporting rational thinking, light bulbs. Because how is it possible that two main characters meet in least expected moments, for each of the continents, just like that by any chance? Impossible, but very fascinating. I turned off So rational thinking, and I gave up reading, at the end of this book we have that little dream.

Ricardo meets bad girl when he was still a young boy. Mysterious Chilijeczka arrives in Peru, his native country of Ricardo, making quite a commotion in the lives of people in the small Miraflores. The biggest, however, has done the very life of Ricardo, who, enchanted with a beautiful girl, just losing to her head. This, however, remains steadfast, refusing again and again love Ricardo. With time, severe political situation prevailing in Peru, revolutionary movements, lack of prospects for the future, it reinforces Ricardo towards its dream of life in Paris. So leave the home town and went to Europe and his beloved Paris. How great must be his surprise when one day, after many years, before his eyes is still beautiful, still feisty and full of temperament Chilijeczka. Ricardo begins to chase the fleeing rabbit second time, then a third, fourth, and finally run so until the end of life.

accompany the ongoing race for over fifty years, every now and then hoping that eventually will be a good thing that rude the girl grows up, will understand what he wants and diminish the suffering of the faithful Ricardo. In vain, however, still naughty girl runs away to a little while back, Ricardo sprinkle with kisses, give a few moments of pleasure, and again disappear. Railways makes the fate of that, along with Ricardo we follow through the streets of Paris, London, Tokyo and a moment later and finally Madrid, with a naughty girl like a shadow, an obsession, a leprechaun. However, as the end of this ceaseless pursuit, and for what it really is chasing Ricardo? With true love, a simple desire, and may only be an elusive goal that gives his life meaning?

"Szelmostwa naughty girl" is a simple book, but written very subtly, seamlessly, with a highly erotic tinge. The main character sometimes annoys, irritates his behavior, the moments that inspire compassion and understanding. In the end, it is very feminine do not know what you want, seek, and I digress. Ricardo himself and not be accused of anything, waiting for help, love, and sometimes he just wants to scream, "Man, give it a rest already." So we have another story about love, unrequited love, not so much as destructive, toxin, giving them hope and brutally destructive. History unpredictable, full of emotion and captivating to the last word.



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