Monday, February 21, 2011

Beguinner Golf Finger Pain

'tale of love and darkness ", Amos Oz.

Initially I was going to write down (carefully, of course, and inspiration), so as to convince everyone, every urge. But, that does not make sense, the complexity of the Oz, as well as his book clearly beyond my capabilities penetration. Say about the magnitude of which falls on us to "Tales of love and darkness" is a trial for a few hours, the memories are Oza ... Amazing, the lack of a better word.

Many of these worlds grow into several hundred pages, some of them no longer exists, only parts of it will not.
Israel is one thing, the story of the second, Amos Oz and his family are completely different, third. I was impressed by the detail. Also, persistence in gathering information about past generations. And the stories, tales ... How many stories made up a "tale of love and darkness", are not counted.

And slowly read memories of Oz, oh yes. I do not know whether it is possible to read "A Tale of love and darkness" quickly, greedily, it can give. But I came out slow reading, page after page, story by story. A grandmother, grandfather, who went by the ear and round cleaned everything. The memoirs of Equal, which became the site of the tragic history long before the year 1941. About Ben Gurionie, who ran the office. The Arab boy who broke your foot. A father with an obsession with etymology and the mother of unfulfilled ambitions. About all that has led to the creation of a world in which the first few years of life spent Oz, about everything, which led to the creation of Oz.

Amos Oz is one of those writers whose wisdom is to me indisputable fact. Wisdom - a word not very specific. The wisdom of calm, funny could determine toned. The resulting experience, spent years and watched the world, the point of view, well worth knowing.
I like him too. With maturity. Nienachalny style. Delicacy. I like the objectivity of Oz, who never condemns the strength, rather casually. Like that does not go in zaparte.
I wish that was not so very sad.
But he can not, maybe it's just his "tale of love and darkness."


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