Friday, January 14, 2011

Hacking Main Framesand Servers

George Orwell -" 1984 "edition of three

Author: George Orwell
Title: "1984"
Number of pages: 354

very long lived in ignorance, that it is this book was the inspiration for the creators of the famous reality show "Big Brother". Then, once possessed this knowledge, I've been waiting for the moment when I could finally read it. Finally, after finishing the last page, I was filled with sad reflection, not only on the history presented in the book, but also on the phenomenon of the already mentioned "BB". For although the book has little in common with the nature of entertainment, "BB", and indeed is the complete opposite, it also shows a world in which every movement is observed, all recorded, there is no place the sincere feelings. The only difference is that for breaking the rules prevailing in the 'BB' at most risk of expulsion from the program, and in the world created by George Orwell, torture and death in agony.

In retrospect, the entire production of "BB" seem to me incomprehensible. How so primitive idea wsadzenia dozen people in one house and spy on their daily gain until such a success? Shame or no shame to admit, she also participated in these casual relationship with the Big Brother house. I was, however, these dozen years younger, so reception of what is happening in that building did not arouse in me any extreme emotions. But the program also watched adults, educated, wise, and besides, after all, this group has created a whole production. There was, however, the need to know how it feels to live in a world where every move is watched, where people are in relation to each distrustful, suspicious and false. History served us so far has many of the real 'show'. And yet this inexplicable need to create another world, a world in the world, won, and so here's a couple of years we have witnessed a great rage, How has mastered the entire country. Fortunately, the "BB" has been and gone. Although the attractiveness of the idea probably not quite dead. Yet not long ago I was talking about "BB" in which participants were to be children. But in the end to this, perhaps tragic in its consequences show, did not occur, and I hope that never happens. I do not know why, but just reading the book "1984" let me look at the whole thing a bit different, and above all to reflect on what for so many years took place in the Polish television. Well, however, that no one had the idea of \u200b\u200bthe exact in every detail of this mapping, as referred to in the book "1984".

It's amazing that in creating his antyutopię in 1949, George Orwell with such high probability foresaw a situation which may lead to communism and one-party rule. It is not surprising that the book for many years was heading prohibited. Exposed the fact all the "benefits" of communism, showing how incredible the way mankind can be deceived, bullied, thinking how easy it is to change the average person to believe in this cudowność systemu, w którym żyje, wychwalał swojego przywódcę, a wręcz był gotów oddać swoje życie w walce o dobre imię partii. Świat przedstawiony w książce Orwella cały pogrążony jest w tyranii, istnieją w nim trzy główne siły, które rywalizują między sobą o panowanie nad całym światem, są to Oceania, w której rozgrywa się akcja książki, Eurazja oraz Wschódazja. Sojusze jednak wciąż się zmieniają, w rzeczywistości nie dochodzi do żadnych walk, wszystkie dane dotyczące owej wojny owiane są tajemnicą. W tym dziwnym i zamkniętym świecie poznajemy books main character, Winston Smith, an employee of the Ministry of Truth. Its task is to verify the articles that may appear in the press, changing the old facts into new, continuous manipulation of information. How many people with its environment, Winston is aware of the mechanism, which has been captured, the lies, which is guided by the party. Well, I can not do anything because BIG BROTHER WATCHING, watching him, even at home with wmontowanego the wall screen. Winston is afraid of even their own thoughts, because they can be detected. In the world created by George Orwell is not the place to no emotions, you can not love, because it is prohibited to be attached to another human being. The most important thing is to work for the country, the party faithful and conscientious to his duties. Children are taught to spy on a small, resulting in even report on their own parents. This world is horrible, grim, hideously broken. In the end Winston, tired of lying, in which he lives, attempting to fight with the party, wants to prove to others that there is another reality that the world has a different story. But what are the consequences of opposition to the party? Is it even possible reach out to people whose brains are programmed to live in constant fear, loneliness and love for Big Brother?

It is terrible that there are still places in the world, where Orwell's book is not just a fictional vision, but a daily reality. It is impossible not to think about North Korea here, still functioning on the principles of the cult of personality. The situation that prevails there, also in his assumption that the ideal would be to ensure the happiness and prosperity. "1984", which supposedly take place in all these events, shows that if the book was titled 2010, was not straciłabym on its timeliness. It is shocking reading, depressing, revealing the worst of human instincts, the desire to dominate, upodlania an advantage over the other man. So I wonder what prompted the creators of "BB" to re-create the image of control and lack of freedom, albeit on slightly different terms, but still. It only remains to hope that in the near future, nowhere there would be no Big Brother, although maybe it's just another utopia.

blown off a little this time the main theme, which was to be the book and its contents. However, although it may sound, I recommend "1984" and herself get down to the next book Orwell's "Animal Farm".



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