Friday, December 3, 2010

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"Foe - JM Coetzee

Title: "Foe"
Author: JM Coetzee
Number of pages: 159

Life on a desert island is a theme well known to everyone, both in how literature and cinema. We all know with what adversities they face the heroes who are independent of these reasons have landed on a strip of land surrounded by the waters of the ocean. Subject seems to be so generally known, a delicious adventure for lovers of literature, for others it a bit simple and predictable. Disappointed, however, both the one and the others reaching for the novel "Foe". Coetzee cleverly used the fact that a survivor theme, offering readers the kind of game narrative, full of questions and not entirely clear answers.

novel "Foe" is a story of returning from Brazil, Susan Barton, who kicked out by the crew of the ship lands on the shore of a deserted island. On land, he meets two other survivors, Mr. Kruzo and his black slave Friday. A woman does not understand the conditions prevailing on the island, the strange relationship between the sexes. Susan can not stop wondering why Kruzo also writes down his memories are not, why not even noticed that everything that happens on the island. Indeed it seems logical that if you survive and come home someday, will want to talk about all his family, if not survive, leave behind a memorial on the island, which perhaps one day someone will find. Kruzo not completely do not care, does not intend to write down anything. Friday each, which serve him faithfully also can not do anything, can not neither write nor speak. Susan is horrified to find that cut into a slave. No one knows exactly what happened, but you deserved it, or who has committed such a barbaric act. All the memories of the islands are Kruzo inaccurately, it is difficult to distinguish truth from lies. After more than a year's stay on the island at the end of the coming help. A ship sailing near the island takes on its board Susan, and his master's Piętaszka Kruzo, which unfortunately did not survive the journey. After returning home, a woman wants to tell your story, basically since the beginning of the book it says.

And that is where this begins to be appropriate 'action' books, fun narration and playing with the reader. Because Susan wants to book with memories written for her by someone else, someone who knows something about writing a novel, in creating characters and events. Attention is therefore asking you to Mr Foe, a writer who expressed his willingness to help Susan. Everything would be fine if not for the fact that Mr Foe, at some point it disappears from our story, but it goes on. Susan sends Foe list which asks about the course of the book, plus throwing in more and more new facts and thoughts. Then the question of further questions about what is already a book, and what not, what is truth and what is literary fiction? Susan is also keen to speak on behalf of Piętaszka, which is constantly looking after leaving the island. Beyond all the confusion and lack of certainty as to the narrative, of course, everything has a logical sequence and its meaning.

novel "Foe", although its title and theme refers to the famous novel by Daniel Defoe "Robinson Kruzoe cases, moves definitely different topic - the essence of the narrative. This novel, which, through these events, questions the boundaries between truth and imagination. It's also an interesting procedure, in which the hero comes to the fore the novel, the author gives his advice as to the content of the book. Susan is afraid of that, her story will be devoid of emotion that she had not read it, it will be just boring. Foe, however, tries to convince her that when describing something that can do just about anything. It is so "Foe" as it were a treatise on writing, literary treatments and the role of narrator in creating the novel.

Despite a pleasant topic, the book is not easy. It seems to me that a full understanding of what he wanted us to convey, show, realize Coetzee requires more than one reading. I'm still very confused when it comes to the same end of the novel and I still have doubts about him. Bite me, and tired, but maybe there is someone who shares his thoughts about the ending? :) However, the book well worth reading, not least because of its originality in the approach to the topic.



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