Thursday, December 23, 2010

Coconut Oil To Cure Mono

" Love in the Time of Cholera - GG Marquez

Title: "Love in the Time of Cholera"
Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Number of pages: 504

Cudo! After my failure in reading the "Hundred Years of Solitude" and a pretty mean impression after reading the book "The thing about my sad dziwkach" did not think that "Love in the Time of Cholera 'me so much charm. Beautiful, lightly and gracefully told story of a difficult but extremely fascinating love. Love, which in its self-fulfillment had to wait more than fifty years, since roughly the time it took to acquire Florentinie Arizie wybranki your heart, Ferminy Dazy.

"Love in the Time of Cholera" on its shell conceals the unrequited love, however, many other noteworthy topics. It is a beautiful novel about old age, the passing, a great determination to fight for dreams, wandering and finding its target, and finally the difficult art of breaking your own rules, to break away from accepted conventions. All these are in the exotic Caribbean atmosphere, flowing from the ports of the Caribbean ships and descriptions of dirty streets during the plague with which the townspeople are fighting.

One of the people who try to protect people from the plague is Dr. Urbino, known and respected throughout the city physician, a husband Ferminy Dazy. We meet him at the beginning of the novel, which is already in the elderly, having their habits and senile habits. As I later learn he is the biggest obstacle standing in the way of happiness and Florentina Ferminy Dazy Arizo. This is a man whom she married Fermin of convenience, of comfort, and perhaps out of fear of mad feeling, which has planted in her heart many years before Florentino.

Florentino Ariza Daza and Fermin met in their early youth, he's romantic and simple guy working as a telegraph, it is reasonable, coming from a good family girl. It took just one look at a young and charming girl that the only purpose in life was Florentina to do everything in his power to marry a beautiful Fermin. Hours spent before the house of the girl, sending tons of letters, the sleepless nights, the years of meditation and continuous failures. Finally, an attempt to forget the most painful, to elaborate on the fleeting love affairs with random women, cheating yourself. Momentary happiness and forgetting, however, quickly passed, still flowed on top of Ferminy memory, love, inaccessible. In the end, however, fate smiled Florentina, let him fight one more, final fight for Fermin. I do not want

to spoil those who have not read, pleasure exploring the history of successive stages, alternating with each other and the memories of overlapping threads, as it is conducted in the way the narrative, the book owes its incredible aura. Slowly, in fact reveals to us the whole story, slowly understand more and more, we know the next events of the past main characters, are still waiting for more and more. Thanks very accurate descriptions and vocabulary much, specially for the heart, can not help but sympathize with and simultaneously Florentina not admire. I felt incredibly sorry for him, cheering him with all my heart, I forgave all the betrayals, boorish behavior. He won my heart much faster than the heart Ferminy;)

spite of the great emotions that accompany the heroes of the book, breaks through the paper a novel peace, silence allows inhale deeply subsequent pages of the novel. "Love in the Time of Cholera" is not a trivial amorous tale, it's definitely something bigger, more important, inspiring and alluring. For all the romantic (though not exclusively) of souls is a must. Again to repeat, wonder! ;)

"His dreams have put a dark jaskółeczkom nests on balconies, seemed murmuring kisses and flapped their wings in the dead of motylimi siesta"



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