Friday, September 17, 2010

Why Do Grown Men Have Wet Dreams?

scene 2 "The thing about my sad dziwkach" - GG Marquez

Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Title: "The thing about my sad dziwkach"
Number of pages: 110

It's funny, but the thread play between men and women, in addition, these illegal and immoral, probably do not really want me to leave. This time I had the 'pleasure' to commune with him through the book "The thing about my sad dziwkach" Marquez. And because of this that I'm quite just finished reading "Lolita", it was impossible not to compare my story presented in both books.

"In my nineties I wanted to make a birthday gift a crazy night in love with a virgin adolescent"

Such a confession here is a spicy story begins Marquez. At the old man's dream, however, does not end there, as decided, so he did. But he spent not one, and even a few nights with a young girl from a brothel. History would seem so simple and trivial could. As you'd guess, certainly not to be such. A and nights, which the main character spends his new lover, much to the sexual rituals.

What is so this is (and even for short) novel, Marquez? The need for love, unfulfilled dreams, finding purpose and meaning in life, the doubts and hopes. A lonely old age is something terrifying, something that probably none of us wants to experience. The hero of the book, despite his advanced age, there's no one beside each other. Its sole job is reading and writing weekly columns. It would seem that little more can no longer offer her the world that is too old for any changes. And yet, still smolders in the force, the heart still beats, blood flows in my veins. In fulfillment of dreams helps him a friend of the owner of the brothel. Our stalwart hero is a phone that I have for him pure, innocent, young virgin. How will their meeting, they will have on the old man feel girl? Apart from bedside companion, the old man finds a feeling that you missed so much throughout his life? In the book, apart from the main thread, lightly brushing against the force of what goes on in the brothel, the services used by the old man. Can not help but wonder is even for a moment the fate of girls who are into it. Over their sad fate.

Referring to the "Lolita" which I mentioned at the outset, without a doubt the common denominator is a fascination with both the history of youth, the forbidden fruit. Each of the men, however, contemplates his bride in his own way, looking for something else in it, it is expected to meet quite different levels. In both cases described is love without excessive profanity, subtly erotic in a way where the area of \u200b\u200bspirituality reigns over carnality. Bearing in mind the history of Lolita, the story Marqeuza not impressed me that much experience. I realize that probably should not be too much of these stories compare to each other, that perhaps I made the mistake by reading them one after another. However, "The thing about my sad dziwkach" too fast, I read, and so I missed a bit of content. Admittedly, it's not worth the thickness of a book, but in this case I feel a hunger. Perhaps this is another book that should not be read only once and can not "on time") remains so with a bit mixed feelings.

PS Yesterday I watched the film "American Beauty." So I do not have to say that unless I have a slight glut. Despite the fact that the movie I loved, I think it's time to change the climate, however, that too much is not healthy;)



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